Design and supply of complete water circuit for the flue-gas heat exchangers – II. supply stage. Waste heat from WFL 3 a WFL 4 hot forming line furnaces is transferred...
Rumburk, Benteler Automotive Rumburk s.r.o

Basic project for waste heat recovery from pyrolysis furnaces flue gas. Output of Basic project is technical report containing result of enthalpy-mass balance calculations,...
Stráž nad Nisou, KNORR-BREMSE Systémy pro užitková vozidla ČR

Thermal design for the part of ORC circuit.
Project range:
- Economizer thermal design - Recuperator thermal design - Technical report with attachments (inc. draft...
Plzeň, Doosan Škoda Power s.r.o.

Processing of the technical report - balance of steam air heater of the boiler K3.
Project range:
- Creation of mass and enthalpy balance of air heater boiler...
Brno, SAKO Brno, a.s.

Study on the use of waste heat from a gas burner of milk dryer line - optimization of energy loss.
Olomouc, OLMA, a.s.