New tube bundle of flue-gas heat exchanger

For company:Benteler Automotive Rumburk s.r.o
Product:VAKAVLAS heat exchanger
Realisation nr:427/23

New tube bundle of the flue-gas heat exchanger for cataphoretic painting line at Benteler Automotive Rumburk s.r.o. facility, Rumburk. The original tube bundle, which was also repaired at the beginning of the year, was necessary to replace due to a change in process parameters.

Heat exchanger type:

- VAKAVLAS 900x900-18

  • Installed new tube bundle of cataphoretic painting line, including thermal insulation.
  • Installed new tube bundle of cataphoretic painting line - finishing up.
  • Installed new tube bundle of cataphoretic painting line, including thermal insulation.
    Installed new tube bundle of cataphoretic painting line - finishing up.
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