WFL 3 a WFL 4 flue-gas heat exchangers water system

For company:Benteler Automotive Rumburk s.r.o
Realisation nr:436/23

Design and supply of complete water circuit for the flue-gas heat exchangers – II. supply stage. Waste heat from WFL 3 a WFL 4 hot forming line furnaces is transferred through VAKAVLAS type heat exchangers and stored in hot water accumulation tanks.

Project included renovation of two accumulation tanks (manufacturing Date 2005) that customer had at his disposal. Original thermal insulation had to be removed, exterior and interior surface were sandblasted, and quality of base material was checked. Despite the tanks may have shown signs of degradation, the base material was in good condition and therefore approved for further use.

Water system supply scope:

-   4x pump group,
-   renovated accumulation tanks
-   water collectors and distributors
-   safety features
-   water piping for ambient air curtains and hot water air heater units
-   automatic water filling and pressure regulation unit
-   measurement and control system

  • Accumulation tanks with pump system and water splitters / mergers.
  • Refilling station for accumulation tanks water system.
  • WFL 4 flue-gas heat exchanger pump system.
  • WFL 3 flue-gas heat exchanger pump system.
  • Customer's accumulation tank designated for renovation.
  • Accumulation tank during the thermal insulation removing.
  • Accumulation tank after sandblasting.
  • Renovated accumulation tanks at the place of installation.
  • Accumulation tanks with pump system and water splitters / mergers.
    Refilling station for accumulation tanks water system.
    WFL 4 flue-gas heat exchanger pump system.
    WFL 3 flue-gas heat exchanger pump system.
    Customer's accumulation tank designated for renovation.
    Accumulation tank during the thermal insulation removing.
    Accumulation tank after sandblasting.
    Renovated accumulation tanks at the place of installation.
    Custom production

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    WFL 3 a WFL 4 flue-gas heat exchangers water system
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