System of catalytic oxidation of organic volatile compounds

For company:VUES Brno s.r.o.
Product:VAKAVLAS heat exchanger
Product:VOC catalytic burning systems
Realisation nr:216/11

System of catalytic oxidation of organic volatile compounds from the KWAN impregnation burning kiln,

types of heat exchangers:

– HECAT 500

– VAKAVLAS 400×460-16-2 pass

  • System of catalytic oxidation of organic volatile compounds
  • System of catalytic oxidation of organic volatile compounds
  • System of catalytic oxidation of organic volatile compounds
  • System of catalytic oxidation of organic volatile compounds
  • System of catalytic oxidation of organic volatile compounds
  • System of catalytic oxidation of organic volatile compounds
  • System of catalytic oxidation of organic volatile compounds
    System of catalytic oxidation of organic volatile compounds
    System of catalytic oxidation of organic volatile compounds
    System of catalytic oxidation of organic volatile compounds
    System of catalytic oxidation of organic volatile compounds
    System of catalytic oxidation of organic volatile compounds
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